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October 2023 is Economic Education Month!
Economic education is more important now than ever.

This October, students, instructors, financial institutions, and other partners throughout California will recognize and celebrate the importance of economic education, including support for economics learning in schools.

Why “celebrate” economic education?

It’s simple: economic literacy is fundamental to our democracy, society, and economy.

When students learn about economics, they become:

  • more informed consumers and savers
  • involved citizens
  • better lifelong decision-makers
  • However, when some folks hear the word “economics,” they might immediately think that the subject is hard to understand, boring, or irrelevant.

    This issue is only made worse considering the current state of economic education in K-12 schools. In California, economics is taught during senior year – too late, too little, and too hard to fit into an already jam-packed senior year!

    Economics teaches us life-changing skills. That’s cause for celebration!

    What’s happening during Economic Education Month?

    All month long with the California Council on Economic Education, students, educators, and the public will learn how economics is an exciting, dynamic subject that affects everyone’s life every day. Through events, lesson ideas, and social media activities, Californians will learn how economic education cultivates intergenerational opportunity and mobility.

    Economic Education Month will also be recognized nationally, and in states throughout the country.

    economics is all about
    Goals, Resources, and Decisions!

    Economics is life-changing – it can show you how to use your available resources to make savvy choices in order to reach your goals!

    how you can celebrate Economic Education Month:
    Endorse Economic Education Month by adding your name to the growing list of partners. Click here to sign!
    Contact your local representatives to advocate for robust economics instruction within your local K-12 school district.
    Sign up for periodic updates about CCEE’s economic and financial literacy events + programs, and how you can volunteer!
    Share the campaign to your own social account, or create your own post! We can help!
    Represent economics by wearing and using your economic education gear – this is the perfect time to break out the swag you’ve gotten at CCEE conferences, workshops, and events!
    Everyone can use #EconEdMonth to join the conversation and share your experiences with economic education. Keep visiting this page for more updates!
    Teachers and K-12 staff can invite community and business leaders to visit their students to share how their decision-making process compares to families making choices every day.
    Families can have in-depth conversations about how they make decisions for their homes -- join us at a Family Financial Literacy Event!
    Business, community, and government leaders can support CCEE’s economic and personal finance programs throughout California, to help everyone access economics and financial literacy, regardless of their background or circumstances.
    Not from California but want to support Economic Education Month in your state? Click Here
    Endorse econ ed month
    Happy #EconEdMonth from California's Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, California State Treasurer Fiona Ma's Office, California Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (D-48), Former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin, Los Angeles Civil Rights Department Executive Director Capri Maddox, Founder of the ReWirement Project Darrell Brown, and Executive Director of the Representation Project Caroline Heldman.
    add your name to the growing list of advocates who support robust k-12 economic education!

    WHEREAS: Economics is the study of making sound decisions in managing scarce resources, which is an essential skill for all people.

    WHEREAS: The aim of economic education is to equip students with skills and tools for their economic roles as productive workers, informed consumers and savers, involved citizens, and lifelong decision-makers in a globally interdependent world.

    WHEREAS: Our democracy depends on the active support and involvement of economically literate citizens who can understand and evaluate critical issues of public policy and the global economy.

    WHEREAS: Economic education must be maintained in our K-12 and post-secondary schools, where students learn economic concepts to understand their world and apply sound economic decision making.

    WHEREAS: Economic education in our schools depends on educators equipped with high quality training and resources to ensure students have equitable access to classroom lessons that develop the skills necessary to make informed choices as citizens in order to build their human capital.

    NOW, THEREFORE,: I, _____________, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM the month of October as ECONOMIC EDUCATION MONTH
    Get Involved
    3605 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 334
    Long Beach, CA 90807
    Phone: (310) 373-2483