
California Governor Press Conference

The Legislative Journey of Financial Education

Action by the California State Legislature has been the major factor for economics and personal finance education becoming widespread.

Please refer to the timeline below for a brief history of the legislation that has shaped current requirements around economics and personal finance education.

While these requirements are necessary, they are not sufficient by themselves. As the saying goes ‘the devil is in the details’ applies also to the implementation of these laws and the ongoing support for school districts, teachers, and the students who learn this material.

Ensuring teachers are prepared and equipped to teach these critical subjects is a vital first step. Help us garner additional support or marshall more financial resources to provide training, curriculum and other resources to ensure the successful attainment of these goals.

The Legislative Timeline

SB 813
Ed-code revised; economics course part of new graduation requirements effective 1988-89 SY.
SB 1213
Ed-code revised; support for teacher education in preparation for economics course requirement and one-time $150k funding for Centers for Economic Education.
Content Standards
Dept. of Ed adopts and publishes content standards in economics embedded in the History-Social Science (H-SS) content standards.
AB 166
Bill requires that all subsequent subject framework revisions incorporate financial literacy.
2016 H-SS Framework
Dept. of Ed adopts and publishes 2016 H-SS framework incorporating financial literacy, recommending a 9th grade Financial Literacy elective and extensive embedding of personal finance concepts in the 12th grade economics course.
AB 2927
Bill establishes a new graduation requirement in a separate, singlesemester personal finance course, not to be combined with any other course; pupil may elect to forego the required economics course.

California Bill AB 2927: Advancing Financial Literacy

A Bold Step Toward Empowering California’s Students

California Bill AB 2927 aims to integrate financial literacy education into K-12 schools, equipping students with the essential skills they need to succeed in a complex economic world. By supporting this legislation, we can ensure a brighter future for California’s youth and communities.

bill written into law